Emerge Community Empowerment

Building Communities
Emerging Stronger Together

We are primarily focused on addressing gender-based violence, including intimate partner violence, domestic violence, sexual abuse, and trafficking, that affects communities in Illinois.


Emerge Community Empowerment

Emerge Community Empowerment is a non-profit organization dedicated to preventing and addressing gender-based violence, as well as improving the health and well-being of marginalized communities.

We recognize the urgent need to tackle issues like intimate partner violence, domestic violence, and sexual abuse, especially in low-income areas.

Core Objectives

Our Core Objectives are based on the foundation of Building Stronger Communities, Fostering Empowerment, and Breaking the Cycle of Gender-Based Violence.

Raise Awareness

Increase public understanding of gender-based violence, its impact on women and girls, and the importance of prevention through targeted educational campaigns and community outreach initiatives.

Provide Support Resources

Offer essential support services, such as counseling, crisis intervention, legal assistance, and safe shelter options, to survivors of gender-based violence.

Empowerment & Education

Empower women and girls through comprehensive sexual education encompassing gender-based violence education, awareness, and resources. We provide interactive training programs that incorporate games and educational activities to promote healthy relationships and personal safety.

Advocacy & Policy Engagement

Engage in advocacy efforts to bring about policy changes, raise awareness among policymakers, and advocate for the rights and safety of women and girls. We actively involve men and boys in our advocacy work to foster a culture of respect and equality.

"No one has ever become poor by giving"


We Can Achieve More

Discover the strength of unity. Join our volunteer community and be a part of the transformation. 

We are calling for Volunteers in the following areas:

Volunteer Form

Kindly fill the form below to be part of the Change you desire!